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Metropolitan Police (MET Police) deploy NeoFace Watch technology following successful trial of the facial recognition software.

From 2016-2019, the MET Police carried out a series of ten controlled trials. Assessing the viability of using NeoFace® Watch to prevent and detect crime and bring wanted criminals to justice in the Greater London area.

To ensure high reliability and validity of results, the software was tested across a range of environments and deployment scenarios. Including large-scale events and crowded public spaces, with watchlist sizes varying from 42 to more than 2400.

Throughout the duration of the trial period, a total of nine actions were taken by police officers against potential offenders following alerts identified by the algorithm. 30% of these engagements resulting in an arrest, including four in connection with serious crimes – a positive result for the force.

Thanks to the success of the trials, NeoFace® Watch is now being used on a regular basis to aid policing operations and make London a safer place to be.

Find out more about our facial recognition software.