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Bringing the power of digital to life

About NEC Digital Studio

Bringing the power of digital to life

We’re a people-first digital studio designing and delivering evidence-led solutions at scale to transform the services used by everyone, every day.

We describe ourselves as a team of Solutionists, made up of researchers, strategists, designers, technologists and developers. Our skills can be used in isolation or all together, depending on the needs of our clients.

See how our beliefs, purpose, ambition, mission and promises all contribute to what we do.


People-centred services power us to thrive in life

Learn about our beliefs and how they guide our people-centred services.

We design services that
put people at their heart, break down barriers and create better opportunities, for a more equal, just and inclusive world.

We continuously improve and adapt, finding the connection between design, technology and life to drive better outcomes.

When services are designed and built in the right way, not the way they’ve always been, we can power greater impact for people and planet.

To get to the best outcomes, you need great relationships, where you can collaborate and adapt to realise long-lasting change.

How we turn our beliefs into practice

With our beliefs at their core, our Purpose, Ambition and Mission help us to deliver better outcomes.

Our Purpose

Putting life at the centre of services, positively changing how people experience the world.

Our Ambition

A world where all services work in harmony with people, and the systems we use everyday are smarter, safer and seamless.

Our Mission

Empowering organisations to be more effective, inclusive and sustainable, through tools, systems and experiences that are intelligent, integrated and intuitive for all.

About NEC Digital Studio


About NEC Digital Studio


Curiosity-driven innovation

We approach every challenge with a passionate curiosity, constantly seeking new insights and ideas that deepen understanding, cut through complexity and drive innovation to make systems that work in harmony with people.

Compassionate understanding

We care deeply about every project we work on and creating positive impact. With compassion and commitment we push further to get to the heart of your challenge and get close to your users, shaping services and experiences that are made better.

Collaborative partnership

We believe in the power of collaboration, working closely with you as trusted partners and every stakeholder to co-create tailored solutions that address your unique needs and drive success.

Unmatched capability

We use our specialist expertise, cutting-edge technologies and significant resources to match the scale and scope of your project, empowering you with tools and knowledge to achieve your goals effectively and sustainably, now and in the future.