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World Sight Day

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of preventable sight loss in the UK and globally.

Regular diabetic eye checks can prevent vision loss by detecting diabetic retinopathy before any symptoms appear. This leads to timely treatment and more successful results.

Our screening solutions provide clear visibility of each service user’s journey and take results straight from the test equipment so you can stay focused on the care, not the administration.

NEC services and software

NEC Care is a Diabetic Eye Screening service provider of 9 programmes within the UK, including:

  1. Arden, Hereford and Worcestershire
  2. Banes, Swindon and Wiltshire
  3. Central Mersey
  4. Dorset
  5. North of Tyne and Gateshead
  6. Republic of Ireland,
  7. South West London
  8. Surrey
  9. West Riding and Craven

Improving patient engagement

Our Patient Engagement Outreach work is an important aspect of the retinal screening service and we aim to increase clinic attendance from vulnerable population groups.

Visits to places of worship, GP’s, pharmacies, community centres, libraries, supermarkets, and health centres.

We aim to build relations with staff to encourage our health promotion projects, and to link in with local health services and attend events to raise awareness.

Software to support screening programmes

  • Capacity Planning module, includes a ‘smoothing tool’ that allows for a quick and easy way to add patients into clinics that are not yet fully booked from clinics that are already fully booked
  • HEAT tool (Health Equity Audit Tool) that produces reports which automatically populates graphs and tables for easy cross comparison of different health equity subjects.
  • Auto Book – uses automated intelligence to find the best available appointment for screening participants based on a set of configurable rules and automatically books the appointments overnight, with the potential to save hours of administration time every year
  • OCT Module – enables streamlined management of the end-to-end process, keeping all patient data in one place and tracking its distinct pathway from start to finish.