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We helped South Gloucestershire council to quickly roll out the COVID-19 Test and Trace Support Payments.

Great working relationship makes a difference

We helped South Gloucestershire council to quickly implement the COVID-19 Test and Trace Support Payments.

Sandra Lovell is Welfare Benefit Manager at South Gloucestershire Council: “We needed to be up and running quickly, which is why we turned to NEC. We were already working flat out to support customers through the pandemic, so needed to get expert help from a trusted partner.”

In just two weeks, the partners were able to agree the scope, policies and procedures. This meant an easy-to-use application service was live in time for the government’s deadline of 12 October 2020.

“The NEC team has processed more than 1,500 applications so far, and we’ve had a seamless service throughout.”

Sandra Lovell, Welfare Benefits Manager

Support payment service delivers results

At first, we provided two full-time equivalent (FTE) staff. Then two additional FTEs came on board for a short while to manage an influx of applications, stepping back once that work was complete.

Performance management has been simple too. Daily calls right at the start changed to weekly calls then to weekly reports, with full details available on applications, awards and refusals.

So far, we’ve helped to process more than 1,500 applications. This includes reviewing eligibility and updating NEC Revenues & Benefits.  This has enabled Sandra’s team to deliver new kinds of support while keeping overall service quality high.

Find out more about our flexible processing services.

Full Time Equivalents (FTEs)
cases processed
weeks to go-live
Full Time Equivalents (FTEs)
cases processed
weeks to go-live

“This is a fast-evolving policy area, so it’s been great to work with a partner that’s willing to adapt as things change.”

Sandra Lovell, Welfare Benefits Manager