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Walsall wanted to ensure that care packages are based on accurate income assessments. We helped them reduce costs and provide exactly the right support to citizens.


With resources so stretched, very few local authorities have the capacity to conduct full reviews on existing financial assessments. So many existing social care packages are based on incorrect income details. This becomes an unnecessary strain on local authority finances.

Our review service checks the income held in each existing assessment against real time data from the DWP Searchlight database. We help authorities ensure they base financial assessments on the most up to date income details. 

To drive further cost savings for the authority, we identify citizens not claiming their full benefit entitlement. Next, we assist them to claim the additional support. We then update the care package with the correct information. 

For Walsall Council we assessed more than 1,000 care packages, identifying additional entitlements in 502 cases, helping the Council to benefit from savings of over £718,000.    

By recalculating more than 1,000 care packages, Walsall Council expects to save £718,000 in the next 12 months.


An experienced adult social care manager leads all our reviews. They’re delivered over 12 weeks with a review of existing assessments in the first month. This enables us to maximise the number of citizens making applications for the additional benefits they may be entitled to. Plus it increases the financial savings for local authorities. 

  1. We review the income declarations in all existing financial assessments against DWP Searchlight records, recalculating care packages and updating all necessary systems. 
  2. When we identify a possible benefit entitlement, we send letters to citizens, advocates or those with power of attorney. Next, we follow up by phone after 14 days to check receipt and offer support. We also provide a staffed helpline and email inbox throughout the project to deal with queries generated by the review.
  3. Where opportunities to maximise benefit are identified, we carry out a second review of the income detail held in Searchlight. This determines whether citizens have made the necessary applications. 
  4. Following new awards, we recalculate the financial assessment using the revised income details.
  5. In cases where someone doesn’t apply, we schedule these cases for a final review. After this, we make any final updates before reporting back on cases that need further follow-up.

“Having up to date income records has enabled us to deliver the right financial support, improve our data and encourage hundreds of people to apply for benefits. By taking a proactive approach with NEC to checking entitlement we are on track to save more than £710,000 per year.”

Mark Fearn, Programme Leader, Walsall Council