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By making it easy to record the right data, we’re helping the HSE to make a real difference for babies with hearing loss.

Managed service for newborn hearing screening

We deliver Ireland’s newborn hearing screening programme. Our team works with paediatric units, nurses and audiology teams to offer all babies a screening.

Our software then tracks every baby through the full screening pathway. Data gets recorded at all key points, linking in GPs, nurses and specialists for a quick diagnosis. The software also links with the screening devices. Therefore tests are always added to the correct baby record.

Our coordinators can also track performance at the touch of a button.

“NEC is essential for the timely diagnosis of early hearing loss in children and without their dedicated and professional work, my role as a paediatrician investigating the causes would be impossible.”

Dr David Waldron, Consultant Paediatrician, St Luke's General Hospital, Kilkenny

Putting patients first

Our screeners can travel to specialist units to perform the tests there. The data then uploads when they return to the maternity unit.

Audiologists can also request a peer review. The software anonymises the data and audiogram and presents it to another specialist. If both the original and peer-reviewed outcomes are different, then the system links the audiologists so that they can discuss the case.

This means specialists can get a second opinion without the need to travel. More importantly, it means babies and their families don’t need a second appointment.

Find out more about our work in health screening.

of eligible babies screened by 3 months
days quicker to identify hearing loss than the international standard
of eligible babies screened by 3 months
days quicker to identify hearing loss than the international standard