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Coronavirus Statement Omicron

NEC SWS first identified COVID-19 as a business risk as part of our Business Continuity Planning in January 2020 and have identified and implemented multiple strategies since that time for ensuring that we continue to provide our services and solutions. This has included the obvious steps of making our business locations COVID safe (for those occasions’ colleagues are able to operate from our offices), through to less obvious steps, such as providing our colleagues with vaccinations in countries where medical treatment has to be privately funded. 

Our Business Continuity Management System is certified to ISO 22301:2019 and has continued to be audited by The British Standards Institute throughout the Pandemic.

We have regular COVID response meetings and continually track Government guidance, legislation, and regulation in all of the territories in which we operate.

We routinely identify areas of the business where we are dependent on individuals or small teams for particular expertise and carry out skills transfers programmes to reduce those dependencies. 

We have identified individuals who can work from home and have wherever possible and practical (and taking into account the applicable security and other requirements of the customer), split teams into home based and office-based shifts reducing the potential of infection of whole teams and ensuring resilience within teams.

Where colleagues are required to work in offices, we have strict COVID measures in place.

We continue to monitor the World Health Organisation, Department of Health and other government websites and continually provide briefing notes to our colleagues.

As Customer will be aware, there are many variables such as geographical distribution of the virus and further government imposed travel restrictions which cannot be factored into plans until they are confirmed.  Accordingly, your points of contact with NEC should remain as they are now.

Should the circumstances of any outbreak dictate any change to these then we will inform you as soon as possible.  

We are continuously monitoring the situation to identify any potential disruption of service in the event of a declared outbreak. NEC will implement all necessary and prudent measures to ensure the health and safety of its personnel whilst minimising any disruption to our customers. If in due course any impact is identified, or any change is required to the delivery of any of our products or services, NEC will contact Customer with a view to discussing the extent and impact of any required changes.