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What is Operator-Initiated Facial Recognition

NEC Mobile ID puts the world’s most accurate facial recognition software in the hands of officers to deliver significant benefits to policing and public safety operations.  

Our Operator-Initiated Facial Recognition  offers streamlined workflows and processes, enabling quick identification checks in seconds, significantly saving officer time. 

As well as saving time. NEC Mobile ID provides immediate visibility of critical warning markers, alerting officers to immediate risks, so that suspects who may have evaded identification, can be reliably identified and detained safely. 

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How Can Operator-Initiated Facial Recognition Help Your Force?

Using the NeoFace algorithm, ranking 1s in the hardest of identification tests, NEC Mobile ID is the world’s most accurate facial recognition device

Simple workflows, identification checks can be done in seconds with a search history available  

Positive identifications come with all the information and markers that you need with the core NeoFace Watch system that you’re integrated with to keep your officers and the public safe

With many UK forces moving to use PowerApps, NEC makes it easy to deploy and maintain your own software

Designed to work with your existing NeoFace Watch database  

All actions audited and mandatory ensures legal compliance with Data Protection Legislation and content is captured