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NEC recognises the impact of climate change and is committed to doing what it can to minimise the impact of global warming through the provision of sustainable products and services that meet society’s needs, enabling our customers to meet their commitments to the public. We have a focus on minimising the impact of climate change and have set a Net Zero 2030 target, minimising greenhouse gases through its various initiatives under each objective set to meet its target.

To reduce such impacts, we are committed to:

  • Meeting all relevant legal requirements and in monitoring our compliance
  • Preventing pollution and reducing any adverse impacts we may have on the environment
  • Protecting the environment with reference to the significant environmental impacts of our work activities
  • Minimising our environmental impacts for the life cycle (including disposal) of work equipment and other physical assets under our control and such information provided to customers for any physical products
  • Demonstrating efficient use of energy, water, and other natural resources
  • Taking appropriate opportunities to minimise our waste and, if not, by reusing or recycling waste, where practical
  • Ensuring our supply chain and contractors we engage are aware of our environmental policy and our commitment to ensuring its effective implementation
  • Enhancing environmental awareness and commitment amongst our employees through appropriate training and briefings
  • Identifying areas and opportunities to continually improve our environmental performance by setting and monitoring appropriate objectives and targets
  • Identifying our significant carbon impacts, determine appropriate monitoring measures to assess and manage such impacts, and, where practical, plan to reduce them against defined objectives

We will inform colleagues and those working under our managerial control of their environmental responsibilities and ensure they are competent to undertake the work expected of them.  We will provide them with adequate environmental information and, as appropriate, training.

We shall provide sufficient resources and will take all reasonable measures to ensure this policy is effectively implemented.  To support that intent, we will maintain and implement a documented environmental management system conforming to BS EN ISO 14001:2015, Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use.

We will periodically review and, as necessary, amend this policy statement to ensure its continuing appropriateness to meet our managerial, operational, and legal needs.