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How do we do this?

Transforming outpatient care is critical to reducing the time patients wait to be seen and treated, and to protecting the NHS from future demands.

Delivering this transformation in a complex system requires an excellent understanding of all stakeholder needs, in order to deliver a solution that is both effective and easy to use.


Referral Software

Our highly experienced team delivers a best-in-class solution by working closely with local commissioners and clinicians to integrate care pathways into an AI powered platform.

We bring together clinicians and managers from primary, secondary and community care, along with commissioners to design and agree the most appropriate patient pathways.

These pathways are then built into Rego, our AI-based platform, to offer GPs and other referrers the most appropriate choice of care settings for their patients.

Things change in healthcare. We review both national and local care pathways regularly and adapt our service and software to meet ever-changing needs.

Our approach delivers