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Operational business support

Police forces are under increasing pressure to do more with less. With growing demand, reduced budgets, and fewer officers, efficient resource management is critical.

Our police duty management system is designed to help forces capture, manage, and analyse data, supporting automated and self-service workflows. It ensures you deploy the right officers with the right skills at the right time, improving efficiency and operational effectiveness.

Backed by a team of resource management consultants, our flexible and fully integrated software helps you maximise scarce resources and make informed decisions when they matter most.

Take control of your workforce with our police duty management system.

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The Origin RM suite contains the following:

HR, Duties Management, Cover Management  

Training Management  

Time Management, Leave Management and Sickness Reporting  

Health & Safety and Personal Development Reviews Our modules include function-rich screens for force employees for specific functions, and intuitive self-serve applications providing easy access for the rest of the workforce. 


Police Duty Management Software


Origin is helping police forces to protect the public by making it easier to deploy the right number of officers with the right skills in the right place at the right time.  

It provides real-time management and operational data that gives duty planners and resouce managers a clear picture of the number of officers who are on duty, whether planned work rosters meet rules and regulations, and how their overtime budgets are being used.  

Origin is a comprehensive suite of applications designed to meet the needs of UK policing. Providing an integrated suite of applications reduces the internal cost of have separate applications and the rekeying or integration that would be needed.  

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