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NEC Digital Studio

Welcome to
NEC Digital Studio

We’re a people-first digital studio, designing and developing evidence-led solutions at scale to transform the services used by everyone, every day.

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We believe in the power of collaboration. Working closely with our clients as trusted partners, we co-create tailored solutions that address their unique needs and drive success.

Our Clients

Astra Zeneca
West Midlands Combined Authority
Youth Justice Board
Ministry of Justice
NHS England

“Their commitment to inclusive recruitment of research participants and understanding of how to engage hard to reach groups in research enabled us to gain a much deeper understanding of the multiple contributors to homelessness.  The project team worked seamlessly with colleagues across the partner councils and their organisation, accountability and communication enabled the successful delivery of the Discovery in a challenging environment.”

Anna Trevena – Programme Director for Transformation, London Borough of Newham 

“The work has provided a strong, crisp definition of the service and in turn an ability to clearly articulate to the market what it is we need them to deliver.”

Richard Ashcroft, Programme Manager, NHS Digital

“The team were incredibly supportive – and consistently went the extra mile to help us tackle a challenge, understand the approach they were suggesting, or to help us to engage and bring key stakeholders on the journey with us.”

Katie Miller, Volunteering Transformation Manager, The Scouts

“It was great working with this team. Their service design training, which was delivered to over 20 service owners in Incommunities, was a great success. The feedback was excellent, and the training equipped people with the tools to immediately implement service design techniques. The team knew their craft and took a pragmatic and insightful approach to the advice and guidance in their training – thank you!”

Incommunities Housing Association

“If someone asked me what system we needed to do our jobs well, I’d just point at Interventions Manager”

Programme Manager for the North West, Probation Service

“We had a really sensitive, thoughtful and committed team. There were four of us, and I co-located in their offices for a few months, which was really great. It was helpful because I was the Samaritans rep in the design team, and I learned a lot from working with them.”

Felix Macpherson, UX Researcher, Samaritans

“Media Manager has really streamlined our quality controls. It’s not often you see cloud based software and tablet devices in prisons, yet with the right security in place it can make a real difference to staff and prisoners”.

Hannah Johnson, Programme Manager, HMP Forest Bank


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