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Redesigning the human experience

Snook use a tried-and-tested collaborative and agile approach to design and build great services.

They’re trusted by our customers, as well as all kinds of businesses and charities, to design products and services that meet users’ needs.

Their multidisciplinary team works with clients to find out what people really need and how to best deliver it. From research to designing services and digital products and building service design capability, their work is always informed by an understanding of the full system surrounding a challenge. And by a commitment to asking the right questions of all the right people.

“Snook were instrumental in introducing service design, user research and prototyping to Samaritans. They are the first people we think of when we want to understand user needs around a new proposition.”

Simon Stewart, Samaritans

When do you need user-centred design?

More often than you’d think. In fact, it’s arguable that you should always talk to the people who use and deliver your products and services. It ensures they work before they’re launched.

You might be trying to understand why something isn’t working so that you can fix it, or explore how to scale a service using digital. You could be looking to develop a clear product proposition and learn how best to deliver it. Or making sure the way you’re structured is right to help you grow.

Snook can help with all these challenges and more.

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User-Centred Design

“Snook helped us develop a much stronger strategic understanding of the Service Design approach and to start building in-house expertise in Renfrewshire Council. They proved to be a great choice of partner in our move to adopt service design as a core approach to the improvement of services and access for all our citizens.”

David Amos, Head of Policy & Commissioning, Renfrewshire Council